Wildkatzen im Nationalpark Eifel, © H. Grabe

The Eifel National Park

The Eifel National Park is the only National Park in North Rhine-Westphalia. Woods water wilderness is the slogan of the 110 km² nature reserve.

Eifel National Park - woods, water, wild nature

The Eifel National Park was established in 2004 as the first national park in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The area covering 110m² is home to over 2,300 endangered animals and plants. Here, nature can freely unfold. Gradually, the landscape is returning to ancient beech forests. 

The Eifel National Park is a popular destination in North Rhine-Westphalia at all times of the year:
In the spring, the narcissi turn the meadows in the south into a yellow sea of flowers. In the summer, scented wild herbs grow. When the first cold nights arrive in September, it gets noisy in the Eifel National Park. It’s not unusual to hear red deer calling during autumn hikes. By contrast, the wild cats slink through the evening light on their soft paws. Tracks in the snow disclose the presence of this shy “Eifel tiger”.

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Nationalpark Eifel

Urftseestr. 34
53937 Schleiden-Gemünd
Phone: 0049 2444 95100

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