Partnerwege Meerfelder Maar, © Eifel Tourismus/D. Ketz

Eifelsteig partner routes

Over its 313 kilometres, the Eifelsteig passes numerous attractions and beautiful scenery on its journey between Aachen in the north and Trier in the south. To enable you to discover the landscape highlights to the left and right of the route, other hiking trails are signposted along the way, which we call “partner routes”. In part, they run along the Eifelsteig in sections, while other routes are completely separate. In the Volcanic Eifel area, there are 14 routes known as the “Volcanic Eifel trails”.

The partner routes are of the same high quality as the Eifelsteig itself. The clear markings and signs make it impossible to lose your way. Due to their length, the partner routes enable day hikes, or multiple day hikes in combination with the Eifelsteig.


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Der 2 Bäche-Pfad führt durch das Alfbachtal, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH

2 Bäche-Pfad

Lenght: 13.8 km
Route: Hasborn to Hasborn
Difficulty: medium

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Wanderweg Burgenroute: Burg Reifferscheid, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz


Lenght: 17.5 km
Route: Hellenthal to Blankenheim
Difficulty: medium

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Kupferroute: Kupferhof Rosenthal in Stolberg, © Stolberg-Touristik

Copper Route

Lenght: 15.5 km
Route: Stolberg to Kitzenhaus
Difficulty: medium

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Wandertour mit Aussicht auf die Manderscheider Burgen, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH

County Route

Lenght: 14.2 km
Route: Kurhaus Manderscheid to Manderscheid
Difficulty: medium

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Blick von der Dietzenley, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Gerolstein Celtic Route

Lenght: 8.9 km
Route: Tourist-Information in Gerolstein to Tourist-Information in Gerolstein
Difficulty: medium

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Blick auf die Gerolsteiner Dolomiten, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH/D. Ketz

Gerolsteiner Felsenpfad

Lenght: 8.6 km
Route: Tourist-Information Gerolstein to Tourist-Information Gerolstein
Difficulty: medium

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Wandertour Heckenlandroute, © Monschauer Land

Hedgerow route

Lenght: 14.5 km
Route: Eicherscheid to Eicherscheid
Difficulty: medium

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Hinterbüsch-Pfad: Schneidemühle bei Meisburg, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH/D.Ketz

Hinterbüsch Trail

Lenght: 34.1 km
Route: Üdersdorfer Mühle to Meerfeld
Difficulty: difficult

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Reise mit dem Goldenen Wagen zu den Meilensteinen der Geschichte auf dem Hochkelberg Panorama-Pfad, © Eifel Tourismus GmbH, D. Ketz

Hochkelberg Panorama Trail

Lenght: 41 km
Route: Nohner Mühle to Ulmen
Difficulty: difficult

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Wanderweg Inderoute: Brücke an der Inde, © aachen tourist service


Lenght: 6.2 km
Route: Aachen-Brand to Kornelimünster
Difficulty: easy

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